Shane Yamkowy
Why Use QT OT?

​QT OT is focused on assuring automation and technology is used PROPERLY by companies, so they can:​

    • Reduce Annual Recurring OPEX to continuously save millions in OPEX each year!
    • Reduce Downtime
    • Increase Human Productivity
    • Operate Safely
    • Assist and Enable Achievement of your Sustainability Program

This usually results in assisting in defining a VISION for moving companies to DIRECTED WORK.

Directed Work is “assuring the right thing is being done, at the right place, on the right piece of equipment, at the right time, by the right resource”, balancing one off work orders, with preventative maintenance, with alarms and exceptions.

​This is done by:

    • Understanding the “Typical Day” in your field, and how you integrate your culture, organizational structure, facilities, resource play, work flows, maintenance philosophy, and alarm management procedures
    • Then we review how your field communications, SCADA, DCS, field automation, and cloud based automation solutions support your typical day and assist in integrating “Operations by Exception” (OBE)
    • The required and key DATA FLOWS are defined to support all needed WORK FLOWS
    • Typically one or more ROCRs (Remote Operations and Collaboration Room) are set up where the overall field is monitored from an operations and master work scheduling perspective
    • Then field staff are provided with a customized FIELD MOBILE APP, that becomes their primary source of key site information, log/shift hand over notes, field data capture tool, and work management tool
    • inside the ROCRs, OT Operators or Remote Operations Specialists use a customized web application to do master work scheduling, manage workflows, and manage automated reporting
    • We technically tie everything together by helping you define and build your OT Platform:
      • Field Communications + Consolidated Field Data + Enterprise Historian + SCADA/DCS systems + customized Mobile App + ROCRs + customized web app for Master Work Scheduling and Management and Automated Reporting

Our unique value comes with our ability to HIGHLY INTEGRATE all of these components to support the Directed Work and Operations by Exception goals.

Our High Performance, “Boots on the Ground” Team, comes with deep knowledge of oil and gas work and data flows, organizational structures, ability to bridge Operations, IT, Engineering, and OT.

WE GET THINGS DONE, QUICKLY, so you CAPTURE VALUE and ROI FAST and maintain adoption and engagement with your team in the field driving your operations.

QT OT has been doing OT before it was recognized as OT or IOT, and has driven numerous multi million dollar projects; with over 20 years working on various OT projects in Unconventional (SAGD) and Conventional Oil and Gas, Radiology, and High Technology ventures.